My wedding Night Episode 11
Esther tried opening her
mouth to say something,
but the lawyer quickly held
her hand, stopping her.
“don’t say anything. The
officer is bluffing. He’s
trying to make you say
something that could
incriminate you” he said to
her before facing detective
“if you really have the
evidence to arrest my
client, then go ahead, arrest
her. But if you don’t, then
shut the fuck up and do
your goddamn work. Mind
you, time is running out
and you have only two
days. The next time you will
see me will be in court” he
threatened, shocking the
detective with his words.
Of course not only the
detective was shocked, I
equally was very shocked
because Esther was
probably seconds away
from confessing or making
an unguided comment
before the lawyer
recovered himself and
stopped her. “two days officer. You
have just two days, else i
will tear you apart in court”
the lawyer threatened and
dragged Esther out of the
“we were just close to
making a breakthrough
damn” the detective hissed
with despair after they left.
“so what next?” i asked
with fear. He breathed
deeply, opened the case file
on his table, went through
it and shook his head.
“things are slowly adding
up in your favour but we
don’t have time on our side.
We surely need a miracle”
he replied, looked up at me
and smiled to make me feel
relaxed but i surely wasn’t.
“remember we talked about
the possibility of your
husband going out to the
garden the night he was
killed to either smoke or see
someone?” he said while i
“according to the report in
this file, there wasn’t any
cigarette stick, ashes nor
even anything similar
found at the garden which
then leaves us with one
theory. He went out there
to see someone, probably
Esther, before a stronger
person grabbed him from
behind and stabbed him”
he concluded.
“how then do we find the
mystery man that struck
the fatal blow which killed
my husband?” i asked
desperately. The detective
“that’s what i’m saying, we
need more time, as it
stands, Esther alone
probably holds all the
answers but we can’t touch
her” he replied with
resignation. Tears instantly
dropped from my eyes.
The police had every reason
to detain Esther but
couldn’t because she was a
foreigner. Instead i was the
person being detained
without due process. How
bad can things get??
To be continue...
My Wedding Night Episode 12
“I can do anything to free myself. Please just speak up” I pleaded. The detective shook his head, bit his lips and stared at me.
“hmmmm, if i’m unable to make any breakthrough within two days, you will have to harm yourself in a way that it will be impossible to put you up for trial. That’s the only way out” he said cautiously.
“wait a minute, I don’t understand. You mean i should harm myself?, in what way officer?” i asked with disbelief. He drew closer to me and squatted by my side. “that’s the only way to escape trial for some days. I can smuggle in some pills that will knock you out. So instead of finding yourself in the courtroom, you will find yourself in the hospital.
However it can be added to your charges but i believe your lawyer won’t have a hard time winning over the charge. But you also have to swear t keep your mouth shut if it comes to that. You know i can equally end up in prison over it” he said seriously, while i nodded. I couldn’t even find the voice to talk.
The plan was just so terrible to hear. Of course it was nothing but a sucidal plan. I knew the health implications of such deed, but it was a better option than prison. Seriously the detective was going out of line just to save a clueless lady like me. It wasn’t as if we paid him to help me. He simply was doing it for free. As if he knew what was going through my mind. He reached out and held my hands.
“when i joined the force newly. A young male student was picked up by our patrol team some miles away from a Robbery scene. We all knew the boy was innocent but still held him just to prove a point that we were working. Unknown to us, the boy was asthmatic and as soon as he was thrown into the cell, his health condition go very bad and before we could run around. He died. Since that moment, i decided to help the innocent. But you see, in police work it’s not always easy to be on the right path because we all obey orders and answer to our superiors whether we like it or not” He said softly. “you are a bright young woman but i’m afraid, if i fail to get good results. You will have to take your destiny in your hands. You will have to harm yourself. That’s the only thing that can buy us more time. Yes you will try committing suicide but I’ll be right on time to save your life. Anyway let’s pray it doesn’t come to that” he concluded and stood up while my head swelled with thoughts.
“God please don’t allow things to get that bad. Don’t allow me to try out suicide as an option” i prayed softly. It was such a difficult moment and decision to take. However i still had two days which was enough time for a miracle to happen......... To be continue on request
Episode 13
Later in the evening my
brother came visiting with
a flask filled with food, but
food really wasn’t what i
needed that moment.
“i’m sorry for coming late, i
really was held up with
work. Dad is now safely
home. I spoke with him
few minutes ago” he said
pleasantly while i ate
slowly. “so what’s up, any breaking
news?” he asked when i
was done eating. I forced
out a smile, thanked him for
the food before telling him
all that happened earlier in
the day. He listened eagerly,
frowning when i got to the
suicide part of the plan.
“no no no i don’t support
that. What’s the detective
thinking by suggesting
such nonsense. No that’s
bad” he said seriously, but
before i could answer,
detective Jeremiah showed
up that moment with a
heavy frown on his face.
“i’m afraid i brought more
bad news” he said as he
stopped before us.
“the Americans are now
pushing for the case to be
moved to their country” he
calmly announced. My
brother and I gasped with
“i got a call few minutes
ago to prepare and
document every thing i
have on the case. We don’t
even have the two days
anymore” he explained
“but that’s impossible!. The
murder was committed in
Nigerian soil. The trial
should be here” my brother
protested seriously.
“I think you should take
that up with the federal
government if you have
the right connections. I
really had the feeling such a
thing could happen but
kept it to myself. Our
leaders hardly deny the
American government
anything and this case is
nothing different. Seriously
many things has been
happening which are swept
under the carpet without
the public knowing” he
summarized with
“but i can go to court. I can
stop them legally?” my
brother asked seriously. The
detective breathed deeply
and shrugged.
“well if you can get the
court to sit before your
sister is moved out of the
country. Then yes you can.
But she’s married to an
American citizen which
somehow makes her an
American as well, moreover
i learnt her dead husband
already procured all
necessary travelling papers
for her before his death,
which makes everything a
lot easier for the
Americans” he answered.
“damn” my brother cursed.
“but we still have till
morning to come up with
something new” he added
while i cleared my throat
and spoke out for the first
“i think i have a plan” i
suddenly announced,
surprising my brother and
the detective with the cold
smile which appeared on
my face with the
Of course i had a new plan
in my mind. A plan which
was nothing close to the
suicide attempt the
detective proposed earlier
in the day.
So what kind of new plan
came to my mind that
crucial moment?? Hmmmm
Episode 14-15“so tell us what you have in mind?” the
detective asked curiously. “well before i say
anything, I’ll like to know if the so called
Esther that got me into this mess is still
staying at my husband’s house?” i asked
while the detective nodded. “yes she is at the
house. She chose staying their with your
mother in law and four other people while
the rest moved to a hotel but my department
is still in possession of all their passports.
So what has that got to do with your plan?”
he answered and asked seriously. “a lot
officer. It has a lot to do with my plans” i
answered calmly. “yes go on” my brother
urged desperately. “i can sneak into the
compound, sneak up on Esther and make her
confess. I know the house very well and i
very much know the weak spots i can use in
gaining access to any room i so desire” i
poured out breathlessly. My brother scoffed
while the detective laughed. “you must be
kidding, how on earth can you get her to
confess?” my brother asked with disbelief
“have you forgotten that i’m a woman. I
know how to get a fellow woman to talk.
Moreover Esther won’t find it hard opening
up her mouth, since to her, i’m good as dead
and it equally would be her word against
mine. But if i can record everything with my
phone without her knowledge won’t the case
be solved?. Please just allow me to have
access to the house, i’m very sure i can do
it” i pleaded desperately. The detective
scratched his head and breathed deeply.
“have you forgotten that you are supposed to
be in police cell?. How do i explain your
disappearance?. No no no, even though your
plan sounds tempting, i can’t allow it. I can’t
put my ass on the line in such way” he said
slowly, while i grabbed him strongly. “this is
the only chance i got, please help me. If
things go bad you can say i escaped from
jail. You can fabricate anything and put on
me. Please i beg of you” i begged
passionately. He breathed deeply and
nodded. “fine i’m in but if things go bad, you
are on your own” he accepted, drawing great
smile from me with his words. I hugged him
with gratitude. “just pray it doesn’t go bad.
This is the only shot you got to redeem
yourself. Don’t waste it” he advised while i
nodded. It all appeared too easy to say but
deep down i knew it was a very difficult task
with high risk of failing. However I was very
determined to carry it out. After all i had
nothing to lose trying.
: Episode 16
“so when do you plan heading to the house?”
the detective asked seconds later. “it should
be tonight, by 10pm. The neighbourhood will
be dark and lonely by that time” i answered
quickly. “that’s okay but without a good
recorder and hand gloves, i doubt if your
mission will be successful. I can get them for
you. Thank me later” he offered with a smile.
“oh thanks very much. You are indeed an
angel” i thanked him. “i think we are
forgetting something. We are yet to come up
with a plan on how to get her out of this
place without your colleagues noticing” my
brother queried suspiciously. “leave that to
me. I’ll get your sister out myself, but you
will be right outside the premises to pick her
up. You will be the person to drive her to the
house” the detective said while my brother
nodded in agreement. “now get ready, in
thirty minutes we should be out of here” he
added. “but it’s still 6:30pm i thought she’s
breaking into the house by 10pm?” my
brother asked with surprise. “yea she is, but
i can’t be able to get her out of this place by
that time. I can only get her out in thirty
minutes while you then take her to your
house or anywhere till showtime” he
answered. I breathed deeply. I really was
nervous. _____ By 7:15pm that fateful
evening, the detective took me out of my cell
and helped me out of the compound by
hiding me in his car. We had no problem
leaving the police premises. It really was the
most easiest part of the plan. In a couple of
minutes we arrived at the agreed rendezvous
where my brother was already waiting. As i
made to alight from the detective’s car, he
held me back and stared at me with a
worried look. “please be careful. Here is the
recorder i promised. It’s very small, uses
micro card and has high recording capability.
It’s already charged” he said with care, as he
gave me the recorder with little lecture on
how to use it. “here are the gloves as well.
You need no lecture on how to use them” he
joked. “please don’t disappoint me” he
begged. I nodded, gave him a reassuring
smile and alighted from his car. The
detective was just a perfect gentleman. “so
what now?” my brother asked as i joined him
in his car. “let’s go home first. I want to see
mum” i answered quietly. He gave me a long
look, licked his lips and drove me home
without another word. ______ 10pm arrived
much faster than i expected. I soon found
myself at the back of my husband’s house
with my heart pounding furiously while my
eyes examined the fence as i prepared to
scale it. Yea i was born and raised in the
village among boys. I knew how to climb
perfectly well. My only fear was on how to
achieve my mission without being detected.
Episode 17
…I surveyed the area for the last time,
reached inside my black jacket and touched
the pistol my brother gave me minutes
earlier. “it has only one bullet. You are not
going in there to shoot anybody but i’m
giving it to you because no knows what
might happen when you get there” he said as
he gave me the little weapon, equally giving
me a quick lesson on how to use it. With one
quick breathe, i scaled the fence, wounding
as barbed wires tore my trouser. But the
injury was
nothing compared to the wound in my heart. I
pushed on, very determined to finish the task
ahead. In no time i was at the backyard. I
quickly headed straight to the garden and
stopped for a minute to take a look at the
crime scene where the detective believed my
husband was murdered. Tears instantly fell
from my eyes. “Damian i believe you are
watching. I know you are right here.
I know a murdered spirit is always at the
spot where his life was taken away. Yes i
believe in it. I believe in superstition. I can’t
do this without you. Please help me” i cried
quietly, picked up myself and walked into the
building with determination. All the security
lights were glaring as i made my way into the
big house. But instead of being caught with
the help of the lights, i was guided to the
guest rooms by the same wonderful lights.
However it really wasn’t easy knowing the
particular room to check. I had to start from
the first room downstairs, but luckily the first
three rooms were locked, leaving me with no
choice than to move over to the fourth room.
I slowly opened the door but the room was
very dark inside. I couldn’t see anything. I
drew back to the corridor, closed the door
and checked my recorder which was in good
working condition. I smiled with satisfaction,
safely tucked it back into the b####t pocket
of my jacket, pulled out a
small touch light from my trouser and slowly
walked into the room, flashing my torch
light. “who the heck is that?” a lady suddenly
screamed from the bed, switching on the
electric table lamp by her side, and revealing
her face in the process. She was no other
person than Esther Hardey. The lady i came
looking for. I breathed deeply, drew back,
locked the door and switched on the main
lights of the room which equally revealed my
face to the frightened lady.
“oh shi.t, you?? You got to be kidding me”
she instantly smiled on seeing my face,
equally regaining all her composure as if she
was sure i wouldn’t do anything to her. I
quickly pulled out my gun from the jacket
while she scoffed on seeing it. “oh please”
she hissed, sat up on her bed, grabbed a
stick of cigarette and lighted it. “what the
hell do you want?” she asked coldly
Esther tried opening her
mouth to say something,
but the lawyer quickly held
her hand, stopping her.
“don’t say anything. The
officer is bluffing. He’s
trying to make you say
something that could
incriminate you” he said to
her before facing detective
“if you really have the
evidence to arrest my
client, then go ahead, arrest
her. But if you don’t, then
shut the fuck up and do
your goddamn work. Mind
you, time is running out
and you have only two
days. The next time you will
see me will be in court” he
threatened, shocking the
detective with his words.
Of course not only the
detective was shocked, I
equally was very shocked
because Esther was
probably seconds away
from confessing or making
an unguided comment
before the lawyer
recovered himself and
stopped her. “two days officer. You
have just two days, else i
will tear you apart in court”
the lawyer threatened and
dragged Esther out of the
“we were just close to
making a breakthrough
damn” the detective hissed
with despair after they left.
“so what next?” i asked
with fear. He breathed
deeply, opened the case file
on his table, went through
it and shook his head.
“things are slowly adding
up in your favour but we
don’t have time on our side.
We surely need a miracle”
he replied, looked up at me
and smiled to make me feel
relaxed but i surely wasn’t.
“remember we talked about
the possibility of your
husband going out to the
garden the night he was
killed to either smoke or see
someone?” he said while i
“according to the report in
this file, there wasn’t any
cigarette stick, ashes nor
even anything similar
found at the garden which
then leaves us with one
theory. He went out there
to see someone, probably
Esther, before a stronger
person grabbed him from
behind and stabbed him”
he concluded.
“how then do we find the
mystery man that struck
the fatal blow which killed
my husband?” i asked
desperately. The detective
“that’s what i’m saying, we
need more time, as it
stands, Esther alone
probably holds all the
answers but we can’t touch
her” he replied with
resignation. Tears instantly
dropped from my eyes.
The police had every reason
to detain Esther but
couldn’t because she was a
foreigner. Instead i was the
person being detained
without due process. How
bad can things get??
To be continue...
My Wedding Night Episode 12
“I can do anything to free myself. Please just speak up” I pleaded. The detective shook his head, bit his lips and stared at me.
“hmmmm, if i’m unable to make any breakthrough within two days, you will have to harm yourself in a way that it will be impossible to put you up for trial. That’s the only way out” he said cautiously.
“wait a minute, I don’t understand. You mean i should harm myself?, in what way officer?” i asked with disbelief. He drew closer to me and squatted by my side. “that’s the only way to escape trial for some days. I can smuggle in some pills that will knock you out. So instead of finding yourself in the courtroom, you will find yourself in the hospital.
However it can be added to your charges but i believe your lawyer won’t have a hard time winning over the charge. But you also have to swear t keep your mouth shut if it comes to that. You know i can equally end up in prison over it” he said seriously, while i nodded. I couldn’t even find the voice to talk.
The plan was just so terrible to hear. Of course it was nothing but a sucidal plan. I knew the health implications of such deed, but it was a better option than prison. Seriously the detective was going out of line just to save a clueless lady like me. It wasn’t as if we paid him to help me. He simply was doing it for free. As if he knew what was going through my mind. He reached out and held my hands.
“when i joined the force newly. A young male student was picked up by our patrol team some miles away from a Robbery scene. We all knew the boy was innocent but still held him just to prove a point that we were working. Unknown to us, the boy was asthmatic and as soon as he was thrown into the cell, his health condition go very bad and before we could run around. He died. Since that moment, i decided to help the innocent. But you see, in police work it’s not always easy to be on the right path because we all obey orders and answer to our superiors whether we like it or not” He said softly. “you are a bright young woman but i’m afraid, if i fail to get good results. You will have to take your destiny in your hands. You will have to harm yourself. That’s the only thing that can buy us more time. Yes you will try committing suicide but I’ll be right on time to save your life. Anyway let’s pray it doesn’t come to that” he concluded and stood up while my head swelled with thoughts.
“God please don’t allow things to get that bad. Don’t allow me to try out suicide as an option” i prayed softly. It was such a difficult moment and decision to take. However i still had two days which was enough time for a miracle to happen......... To be continue on request
Episode 13
Later in the evening my
brother came visiting with
a flask filled with food, but
food really wasn’t what i
needed that moment.
“i’m sorry for coming late, i
really was held up with
work. Dad is now safely
home. I spoke with him
few minutes ago” he said
pleasantly while i ate
slowly. “so what’s up, any breaking
news?” he asked when i
was done eating. I forced
out a smile, thanked him for
the food before telling him
all that happened earlier in
the day. He listened eagerly,
frowning when i got to the
suicide part of the plan.
“no no no i don’t support
that. What’s the detective
thinking by suggesting
such nonsense. No that’s
bad” he said seriously, but
before i could answer,
detective Jeremiah showed
up that moment with a
heavy frown on his face.
“i’m afraid i brought more
bad news” he said as he
stopped before us.
“the Americans are now
pushing for the case to be
moved to their country” he
calmly announced. My
brother and I gasped with
“i got a call few minutes
ago to prepare and
document every thing i
have on the case. We don’t
even have the two days
anymore” he explained
“but that’s impossible!. The
murder was committed in
Nigerian soil. The trial
should be here” my brother
protested seriously.
“I think you should take
that up with the federal
government if you have
the right connections. I
really had the feeling such a
thing could happen but
kept it to myself. Our
leaders hardly deny the
American government
anything and this case is
nothing different. Seriously
many things has been
happening which are swept
under the carpet without
the public knowing” he
summarized with
“but i can go to court. I can
stop them legally?” my
brother asked seriously. The
detective breathed deeply
and shrugged.
“well if you can get the
court to sit before your
sister is moved out of the
country. Then yes you can.
But she’s married to an
American citizen which
somehow makes her an
American as well, moreover
i learnt her dead husband
already procured all
necessary travelling papers
for her before his death,
which makes everything a
lot easier for the
Americans” he answered.
“damn” my brother cursed.
“but we still have till
morning to come up with
something new” he added
while i cleared my throat
and spoke out for the first
“i think i have a plan” i
suddenly announced,
surprising my brother and
the detective with the cold
smile which appeared on
my face with the
Of course i had a new plan
in my mind. A plan which
was nothing close to the
suicide attempt the
detective proposed earlier
in the day.
So what kind of new plan
came to my mind that
crucial moment?? Hmmmm
Episode 14-15“so tell us what you have in mind?” the
detective asked curiously. “well before i say
anything, I’ll like to know if the so called
Esther that got me into this mess is still
staying at my husband’s house?” i asked
while the detective nodded. “yes she is at the
house. She chose staying their with your
mother in law and four other people while
the rest moved to a hotel but my department
is still in possession of all their passports.
So what has that got to do with your plan?”
he answered and asked seriously. “a lot
officer. It has a lot to do with my plans” i
answered calmly. “yes go on” my brother
urged desperately. “i can sneak into the
compound, sneak up on Esther and make her
confess. I know the house very well and i
very much know the weak spots i can use in
gaining access to any room i so desire” i
poured out breathlessly. My brother scoffed
while the detective laughed. “you must be
kidding, how on earth can you get her to
confess?” my brother asked with disbelief
“have you forgotten that i’m a woman. I
know how to get a fellow woman to talk.
Moreover Esther won’t find it hard opening
up her mouth, since to her, i’m good as dead
and it equally would be her word against
mine. But if i can record everything with my
phone without her knowledge won’t the case
be solved?. Please just allow me to have
access to the house, i’m very sure i can do
it” i pleaded desperately. The detective
scratched his head and breathed deeply.
“have you forgotten that you are supposed to
be in police cell?. How do i explain your
disappearance?. No no no, even though your
plan sounds tempting, i can’t allow it. I can’t
put my ass on the line in such way” he said
slowly, while i grabbed him strongly. “this is
the only chance i got, please help me. If
things go bad you can say i escaped from
jail. You can fabricate anything and put on
me. Please i beg of you” i begged
passionately. He breathed deeply and
nodded. “fine i’m in but if things go bad, you
are on your own” he accepted, drawing great
smile from me with his words. I hugged him
with gratitude. “just pray it doesn’t go bad.
This is the only shot you got to redeem
yourself. Don’t waste it” he advised while i
nodded. It all appeared too easy to say but
deep down i knew it was a very difficult task
with high risk of failing. However I was very
determined to carry it out. After all i had
nothing to lose trying.
: Episode 16
“so when do you plan heading to the house?”
the detective asked seconds later. “it should
be tonight, by 10pm. The neighbourhood will
be dark and lonely by that time” i answered
quickly. “that’s okay but without a good
recorder and hand gloves, i doubt if your
mission will be successful. I can get them for
you. Thank me later” he offered with a smile.
“oh thanks very much. You are indeed an
angel” i thanked him. “i think we are
forgetting something. We are yet to come up
with a plan on how to get her out of this
place without your colleagues noticing” my
brother queried suspiciously. “leave that to
me. I’ll get your sister out myself, but you
will be right outside the premises to pick her
up. You will be the person to drive her to the
house” the detective said while my brother
nodded in agreement. “now get ready, in
thirty minutes we should be out of here” he
added. “but it’s still 6:30pm i thought she’s
breaking into the house by 10pm?” my
brother asked with surprise. “yea she is, but
i can’t be able to get her out of this place by
that time. I can only get her out in thirty
minutes while you then take her to your
house or anywhere till showtime” he
answered. I breathed deeply. I really was
nervous. _____ By 7:15pm that fateful
evening, the detective took me out of my cell
and helped me out of the compound by
hiding me in his car. We had no problem
leaving the police premises. It really was the
most easiest part of the plan. In a couple of
minutes we arrived at the agreed rendezvous
where my brother was already waiting. As i
made to alight from the detective’s car, he
held me back and stared at me with a
worried look. “please be careful. Here is the
recorder i promised. It’s very small, uses
micro card and has high recording capability.
It’s already charged” he said with care, as he
gave me the recorder with little lecture on
how to use it. “here are the gloves as well.
You need no lecture on how to use them” he
joked. “please don’t disappoint me” he
begged. I nodded, gave him a reassuring
smile and alighted from his car. The
detective was just a perfect gentleman. “so
what now?” my brother asked as i joined him
in his car. “let’s go home first. I want to see
mum” i answered quietly. He gave me a long
look, licked his lips and drove me home
without another word. ______ 10pm arrived
much faster than i expected. I soon found
myself at the back of my husband’s house
with my heart pounding furiously while my
eyes examined the fence as i prepared to
scale it. Yea i was born and raised in the
village among boys. I knew how to climb
perfectly well. My only fear was on how to
achieve my mission without being detected.
Episode 17
…I surveyed the area for the last time,
reached inside my black jacket and touched
the pistol my brother gave me minutes
earlier. “it has only one bullet. You are not
going in there to shoot anybody but i’m
giving it to you because no knows what
might happen when you get there” he said as
he gave me the little weapon, equally giving
me a quick lesson on how to use it. With one
quick breathe, i scaled the fence, wounding
as barbed wires tore my trouser. But the
injury was
nothing compared to the wound in my heart. I
pushed on, very determined to finish the task
ahead. In no time i was at the backyard. I
quickly headed straight to the garden and
stopped for a minute to take a look at the
crime scene where the detective believed my
husband was murdered. Tears instantly fell
from my eyes. “Damian i believe you are
watching. I know you are right here.
I know a murdered spirit is always at the
spot where his life was taken away. Yes i
believe in it. I believe in superstition. I can’t
do this without you. Please help me” i cried
quietly, picked up myself and walked into the
building with determination. All the security
lights were glaring as i made my way into the
big house. But instead of being caught with
the help of the lights, i was guided to the
guest rooms by the same wonderful lights.
However it really wasn’t easy knowing the
particular room to check. I had to start from
the first room downstairs, but luckily the first
three rooms were locked, leaving me with no
choice than to move over to the fourth room.
I slowly opened the door but the room was
very dark inside. I couldn’t see anything. I
drew back to the corridor, closed the door
and checked my recorder which was in good
working condition. I smiled with satisfaction,
safely tucked it back into the b####t pocket
of my jacket, pulled out a
small touch light from my trouser and slowly
walked into the room, flashing my torch
light. “who the heck is that?” a lady suddenly
screamed from the bed, switching on the
electric table lamp by her side, and revealing
her face in the process. She was no other
person than Esther Hardey. The lady i came
looking for. I breathed deeply, drew back,
locked the door and switched on the main
lights of the room which equally revealed my
face to the frightened lady.
“oh shi.t, you?? You got to be kidding me”
she instantly smiled on seeing my face,
equally regaining all her composure as if she
was sure i wouldn’t do anything to her. I
quickly pulled out my gun from the jacket
while she scoffed on seeing it. “oh please”
she hissed, sat up on her bed, grabbed a
stick of cigarette and lighted it. “what the
hell do you want?” she asked coldly
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