The Super Achiever's Breakfast with Sam Adeyemi


The greatest investment God can make in anybody's life is via information. Knowledge is vital to the achievement of any level of significance in life.

I believe you have chosen not to be someone who waits for things to happen or who watches things happen, but someone who makes things to happen. When you are proactive, you do not wait for things to happen, you happen to things.

Excellent footballers do not run to where the ball is, they run to where the ball is going to be. So, in this new level of creating wealth, do you know the direction to go? Do you know the right skills that will shoot you to a level of significance?

Now, skills are very important because you will have to be able to work in fields for which you were not trained in school and you will need to be able to adapt.

Marketing skills, entrepreneurial skills, management skills and leadership skills are going to be the major skills that you will need in this new level.

Get ready, your life is changing for the better!

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