The rich will always be rich

It's almost impossible for a poor man to become rich.
And It's almost impossible for a rich man to become poor.

Many people think that being poor means having no money. But in truth, being poor doesn't have much to do with the money and material things you have, likewise being rich is not truly valued by the amount of money u posses.

Poverty and riches are both conditions of the mind.

In essence, poor people lack motivation and are generally lazy. That's why the child of a rich family can squander his parents wealth and become penniless instead of multiplying what they left him/her. People will say he was born rich because his parents had money. But, he was actually born poor, he was never rich.

Whereas, rich people have the drive and passion to excel and succeed in life by tackling problems and facing challenges. That's why someone who is uneducated and born to a family that has no money can grow to become a multi billionaire.
People think he was born poor because his parents had no money but he was actually born rich.

Even without a kobo in his pocket, d rich knows deep inside dat he is rich even though people call him poor. He believes in himself and not what shallow-minded people say about him. He knows his worth and value...He works hard at fulfilling his purpose and never quits till he's successful. Then d same people who never saw riches in him start to admire him. They only believe what they can see. How blessed are they that believe even without seeing it physically...that's faith.

When u rely on God and believe in yourself, people will believe in you.
Jesus saw this awkward thinking about who is rich and who is poor.
He corrected the people by advising them. His words;
"Let the poor say I am rich"

You might not have a job, you might not be well paid, you might have financial difficulties, as an adult you might lack finds to even feed yourself or your family. Yet, I ask you this...
Are you rich or poor?
Remain rich my friend 😊
@jprnz Adeoye

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