Take Years Off Your Face With No Knife

People age with time and the effects are most noticeable and manifested foremost on the skin. The face sags and wrinkles appear due to gravity and sun. Therefore we must be prepared to take effective measures so that we can flaunt a younger looking skin for a long time. Various therapies and techniques are used for skin anti-aging purposes. Surgical interventions and cosmetic surgery for facelifts usually requires a long healing period. And often many people try to shirk off the idea of a surgery involving cuts and knifes. Thus those who are contemplating a facelift but want to avoid surgery can consider a breakthrough in skin anti-aging called Ultherapy.

Ultherapy is a micro-focussed ultrasound treatment for skin tightening. It is a 60-90 minutes treatment that uses your body’s own regenerative response to gently and gradually restore memory to the skin and underlying tissues. Skin is one of the most delicate parts of the body which requires proper care as negligence can make the skin age at an earlier date. Skin care requires both external and internal care; facial massages can tighten the skin muscles, improve the blood circulation and clears the dead cells thereby maintains a beautiful, glowing and younger looking skin. However after reaching a certain age the skin will anyhow begin to show the signs of aging and therefore will require some extra efforts to keep the skin looking younger for a longer period. Ultherapy uses ultrasound to work deep within the skin layers and eventually tightens it thus improving skin texture and tone.

Aptly called the ‘lunchtime lift’, Ultherapy provides an immediate smoothing effect by slowing down the aging process by creating new structural collagen.
The therapy is USFDA approved for skin tightening of the face and neck. You see improvement initially and they continue for 6 months. Unlike lasers, which penetrate the skin from the outside-in, Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin, specifically targeting the deep, structural skin tissues where collagen lives. The Ultherapy is different from other non-surgical treatments that it focuses on ultrasound pulse energy into the tissue, working from the inside-out delivering thermal energy. This thermal energy revs up collagen producing engines within the tissues, resulting in the production of new collagen and markedly improving the elasticity of the skin. The effect lasts for upto 2 1/2 years after which you may need a retreatment since you are 21/2 years older!!
The ideal candidate is someone between 35 and 60 with early signs of laxity. These patients see results within three to six months with a single treatment. Patients over the age of 60 may require a second treatment in six months. Many patients are looking to stay competitive in the workforce, which they believe is tied to their appearance. Whether improving their appearance to look more vibrant or for the associated confidence boost, people perceive this to be important and they come into the clinics looking for help.
 NOTE: This is a promoted post by Apollo Hospital Delhi, India

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